Brotherhood of Death (1976)
Directed by Bill Berry (not the one from R.E.M., of course). Brotherhood of Death is an exceptional Southern blaxploitation film. The story follows a group of black friends that end up going to Vietnam to escape some oppression at home. Getting into the special forces, they learn how to stay alive, and they make it back only to find that the whites are still holding a grudge. The friends try to use the system to protect their community, but the evil whites (most members of the KKK, save the sheriff), led by the county attorney, cut them off at every pass. Frustrated and pushed to the edge, the friends have no choice but the stick it to the man. And, like the tagline says, it's fatal! An excellent production that hides the budget well; sure, Vietnam in the movie is obviously not the real Vietnam, but it's not all that laughable, either. The acting is decent pretty much all around.

Tagline: When these brothers stick it to you... it's fatal!
Highlights: The Southern pace, dialogue, scenery, racism... it all comes together for a representation that hits home. The good old boys are really frickin' racist (even the sheriff is somewhat racist), which makes the escapist ending all the more satisfying. Some of the same things make all revenge movies fun, but this one stands out for the Southern feel and excellent production values (considering the likely budget).

Tagline: When these brothers stick it to you... it's fatal!
Highlights: The Southern pace, dialogue, scenery, racism... it all comes together for a representation that hits home. The good old boys are really frickin' racist (even the sheriff is somewhat racist), which makes the escapist ending all the more satisfying. Some of the same things make all revenge movies fun, but this one stands out for the Southern feel and excellent production values (considering the likely budget).